Be Active! Let your clothes enhance your energy, mood, feeling of vitality as you make your Moves to Get, Stay or Increase your Fitness, Flexibility , Function, Form All while having Fun! With Sparkle Intuitive Art as the fabric design, allow yourself to get into the vibes and energy of what it is that lights you up! Enjoy the colours, the lines, the rhythm and patterns of flow as you wear the garments. Great addition to your wardrobe or as gifts to that Special Person. Fabric designed for printing bad from recelabke pkasyc bottles and what’s envelope nicer, made, manufactured by the fashionistas in the fashion capital of Canada in Montreal, at LeGaleriste. Btw, you’ll absolutely adore the fabric as it travels well, moves in flow with you, is comfortable and,of course, beautiful!
Love it but Too Wild? Time to make a statement- of bold & allow your Fun and Happy side to show, as you see what people say about it?