Nan The Ninja Panda/ PandasPlayground

Hello there! Ian Reid 'R' ( Nan/Non the Ninja Panda) Conley (Trenton, NJ based artist: Asian/Pacific Islander/Irish heritage, LGBTQIA+ Proud member & Renegade ®Barbie Doll complete with combat boots and a pink ©Tonka War Tank that's like a ®Transformer! -Visual/Performance & Dance/Spoken Word enthusiast whose degree work in advertising/ illustration/ graphic design somehow managed to materialize and harness a repressed yet soothingly quirky studio concentration for printmaking and a minor in eastern Asian art History (i.e. Ukiyo-e woodblocks, Buddhist cavern art/Hindu art, etc.) Namaste! P.S. I encourage you and everyone to make something out of nothing and to try and view the world in a different light, questioning the definition on what the standards of beauty and acceptance are. "Art doesn't have to be 'pretty' to be beautiful." It is because of the filth, struggles and tears that I am where I am today artistically. My art and vision is what is keeping me sober and has quite literally saved my life numerous times over and over again. I wouldn't be here without my art...