Beverly B.Art Studios

Creating new and different Drawing, Abstracts, Nature Paintings.

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Pinwheel of Flowers

Flowers blowing in the wind..

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Tiger Water Drops

Water Drops on brown paper

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Dandelions Rain Drops

Blue rain drops on a cluster of dandelions

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Air Bubbles

Bubbles under water with blue background

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circles with in a circles of red, gold, silver, and black

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Maze of different shapes of color

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Orange Sunset

Clouds clusters as the sunsets

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Spinning the windy breeze

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Hidden Flowers

Hidden Flowers that grows everywhere that is rarely notice

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Water Fall Image

Water Fall Image has hidden images on each side of the water fall

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Sun Flowers and Daisies

Sun Flowers and Daisies in the sky

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Gold of Vines

Light Green and brown background with gold balls of vines

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Flaming of breast awareness

Plnk and orange background with dark pink and light pink ribbon for breast care awareness

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Breast care awareness ribbon

The symbol for breast care awareness is a ribbon made of three different shades of pink.

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Color in the element

Colors in the element in space when there is complete darkness.

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Sea Storm

Storm under the sea where creatures are in disarray, by the chaos by mankind.

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Red Background with bright colors floating

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Colette Gold

White back ground with black and gold

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Nikole Transforming heart

White and Pink background A black heart slowly transforming within to life, being able to feel and express once again.

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Bright color patterns overlaying each other

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Tears of the Heart

Tears of the Heart takes time to heal. A healing heart will become bright and happy once again.

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Force of Arrows

Arrows expands in a pattern of bright colors

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Stormy Jumping Fish

Sunset Sea storm while fish jump

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Mars Reflection

The reflection of the plant Mars brings vibrant colors

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Night Glow

Jade Night Glow is at the darkest time, before sunrise.

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