"Creative process alive through colours, eloquent perception that takes control and purifies an image. A whole new and fresh object becomes 'the final to be signed', harmoniously. Endless hours of passionate dialogue between shadows and shapes". I am a Graphic Designer, Digital Artist and Photographer. Creative independent, dynamic creator with high abilities to create a vision of a graphic design project from concept through completion. As a Digital Artist and Photographer, nowadays my personal gallery contains more than 800 art works. Nature and my own home country have been my 'Tools of creation'. Nature offers us without reserves, the most authentic expression of colours, textures, shapes, and humbly, I love to take part in this magic. Mexico, vibrates, greets and embraces us with lights, shines, flavours, rhythms; these are for to taste them and to feel them, and proudly, I carry all them very deep into my veins. "Without a doubt, Art has filled my life with the pleasant sensation of being able to express myself without limits or fears. Despite ups and downs in life, I will always have Art as a place of internal reconstruction, as a place of peaceful restoration, a place for a New Beginning".

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