Shawnna Journagan Art

Shawnna is an acrylic abstract painter from Kansas City who loves to bring bold colors together and then add a little order to their playful and textured chaos. Shawnna started painting and creating through various media at a young age, earning the title “little miss cut n paste’ from her family. When she was in her second year at The University of Missouri she decided to drop her Journalism major and join the Art Program, finishing with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Graphic Design. After working a few graphic design jobs she decided her hands weren’t getting dirty enough and turned to theatre to be a scenic painter and properties designer. Working primarily in acrylic paint on canvas at the moment she is embracing vibrant colors and heavy texture in her most recent work. Inspired and emboldened by colors seen outside on her epic daily walks she brings the palette back with her to the canvas and can be found using random nearby objects to apply texture.

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